Prank election video

by ron on August 6, 2008

Yesterday I posted a prank video suggesting that I was running for the USA election.

As I usually do with sites I don’t trust, I used a temp email address which self-explodes after 10 minutes (

I then created the embedded video option, and placed it on my blog post.

It turns out that the embedded video stopped functioning after just a few hours….possibly due to the company later realizing that mail to the email address I gave them was bouncing (after 10 minutes).
So I went ahead and deleted yesterday’s blog post.

It’s still worth checking out the video though. It’s very clever.

So here’s my second attempt at showing you this video.
Hopefully this link will stay alive for a bit longer, since it takes you to their site: here’s the video.

If you do decide to try it on your friends, I would suggest using a throw-away email address, since I wouldn’t be surprised if you get quite a few spammy emails from this company.


{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Mohamed Mall August 10, 2008 at 6:16 pm

Nice ! Would be fun to see the email address lists that are generated from this.


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